DMAA – what is it, and how does methylhexanamine work?
Methylhexanamine, or DMAA for short, is an organic compound that occurs in small amounts in nature, especially in the Pelargonium odorantissimum plant. It’s a geranium native to South Africa, also known as apple geranium. We look at how DMAA can help active people and whether supplementation with methylhexanamine supplements carries side effects.
What is DMAA?
Dietary supplements with DMAA have revolutionized the industry. Products with geranamine are desired by amateur athletes, although being fair, we must add that DMAA has been banned in professional sports.
On the other hand, there is no doubt that products with DMAA are some of the best, most powerful pre-workouts, although this compound is also added to fat burners. Euphoria and good mood, lack of fatigue, a surge of intense energy and adrenaline, increased concentration, and mental clarity are just some of the benefits that methylhexanamine carries.
Substitute names for DMAA: methylhexanamine, geranamine, geranium extract, geranium oil, 2-amino-4-methyl hexane, 4-methyl-2-hexamine, dimethylamylamine, 1,3-dimethylamylamine, 1,3-DMAA. The many names for the same compound are due to manufacturers using different supplements with DMAA.
History of DMAA
Geranium was synthesized in the 1940s. In 1944, the substance was patented by an American multinational pharmaceutical company, Eli Lilly and Company. It was patented as the active ingredient in a remedy for congestion of mucous membranes.
For decades, the substance was known and used exclusively as a drug. Much changed at the beginning of the 21st century, in 2005-2006, when another active ingredient was learned.
A lot of good work for introducing supplements with 1,3 DMAA was done by chemist Patrick Arnold (also known as the father of prohormones), the same one who became famous for his participation in the “Balco” laboratory doping scandal. They managed to isolate DMAA from plants and distribute it as an extract of natural origin – geranamine.
Supplements with DMAA flatteringly evaluated the athletes themselves – amateurs and professionals primarily. Geranamine was compared in terms of effectiveness to ephedrine or amphetamine. The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) soon became interested in the drug. In 2010 WADA recognized 1.3 DMAA as a doping substance. Therefore, today its use in professional sports is prohibited. Of course, you can still find supplements with DMAA on the market, highly rated by customers worldwide.
How does geranium DMAA work?
1,3 DMAA is a substance that affects the central nervous system (CNS). It blocks the reuptake of norepinephrine. This increases the concentration inside the cell, resulting in a more substantial effect on neuronal connections. Therefore, methylhexanamine works similarly to NRI drugs used to treat neurological diseases (e.g., narcolepsy, ADHD).
This all leads to a marked improvement in concentration and alertness. There is also an increase in arousal and energy levels and an increase in exercise capacity. Finally, there is a boost in metabolism and increased heat production, so this substance is also added to the best fat burners on the market.
Benefits of using geranamine:
– euphoria and good mood,
– lack of fatigue and a surge of energy,
– adrenaline rush,
– increased levels of concentration and focus,
– increased endurance and muscle strength,
– accelerated metabolism and body temperature,
– better warming up of the body,
– suppressed appetite.
Side effects of DMAA
The use of methylhexanamine is therefore full of benefits. However, the substance also has side effects. As it is a potent stimulant, it should not be used late in the evening. Geranium should also be avoided by people on whom coffee or energy drinks have a stimulating effect. Geranamine is only for active people who tolerate psychoactive substances well.
Besides, 1,3 DMAA geranium lowers libido, which negatively affects sexual desire. Finally, it is not recommended for exercisers on a cycle of building muscle mass, as methylhexanamine suppresses appetite. Other side effects include increased aggression, irritability, restlessness, anxiety or insomnia, and most importantly, elevated blood pressure.
However, the key to safety and lack of side effects is to follow the manufacturer’s recommendations and supplement a product with DMAA in the correct dosages. A study confirms this:
– From 2013, in which three groups of men took 250 mg caffeine daily, 50 mg methylhexanamine, and 250 mg caffeine + 50 mg geranamine, respectively. No side effects were found after 6 and 12 weeks.
– Jack3d, in which subjects took 2 servings per day of a supplement with DMAA for 14 days. This did not increase blood pressure or raise resting systolic or diastolic heart rate.
How to use supplements with 1,3 DMAA?
First and foremost, 1,3 DMAA should not be used by people under the age of 18. The same is true if you have a genetic burden. Supplementation itself must be consistent with what the manufacturer states on the package. Indeed, in reasonable doses of DMAA, geranium has little effect on heart function.
Geranamine alone affects the body over 1 to 4 hours. The effect of methylhexanamine can be felt as early as 10 mg of the supplement, although 30 mg is considered an effective dose. The impact of DMAA can also be enhanced by caffeine.
Although geranamine has some disadvantages and side effects, it is undoubtedly one of the best compounds on the market with stimulating and thermogenic properties.
There’s no doubt that dietary supplements with DMAA are valued nutrients recommended before training (e.g., Bombshell, Executioner, or Mesomorph). They provide an adrenaline rush, stimulation, increased concentration, focus, endurance, and muscle strength, which helps inadequate training. Apart from that, DMAA can also be found in fat burners (e.g., Lipodrene Hardcore). This is because of the substance’s other properties – speeding up metabolism and increasing body temperature.