Egg whites or whole eggs – which is a better choice when building muscle mass?
Protein is a fundamental component in the diet of all strength-trained people. With it, building muscle mass is possible. That is why even novice bodybuilders know this ingredient’s importance. Of course, there are many ways to ensure an adequate supply of protein in your diet. Eggs, for example, are a great source of it, especially the protein inside them. Some believe egg whites are the ideal dietary choice for people who train for strength. So does it make sense to separate them from the yolks? What nutritional value do egg whites and yolks have?
Egg whites – a golden mean to build muscle mass?
If someone goes a little deeper into the world of dietetics, he will quickly discover that egg whites are not the same as proteins. Why? Because protein found in food products can have completely different qualities. From the point of view of people training for strength, the so-called complete protein will be precious. This term is used for proteins containing all essential amino acids, i.e., substances the human body cannot produce independently.
Therefore, not every protein has the same nutritional value. In general, animal proteins are considered to be complete. On the other hand, some plant proteins (e.g., soy protein) have a much less favorable amino acid ratio. However, even among animal proteins, there are differences. What is essential, egg white is considered to be one of the best absorbed. That is why it can undoubtedly be recommended to anyone doing strength training!
Unfortunately, egg whites also have a drawback. Apart from being a complete protein, they do not contain many nutrients. Fortunately, there is a simple way to compensate. All you have to do is not separate the whites from the yolk!
Why are egg yolks wrongly given a bad name?
For a long time, egg yolks were presented in a very negative light. Nutritionists and doctors complained that they contain a lot of cholesterol, which leads to numerous health problems. At least, this was believed until some time ago. Currently, more and more scientists have concluded that these views were unfounded.
Yes, egg yolks contain a lot of saturated fatty acids and cholesterol. However, when consumed in moderation, these substances should not be a problem at all. Admittedly, some people are genetically predisposed to having higher cholesterol levels in their blood. Such people should indeed avoid eating products containing this compound. However, for most exercisers, egg yolks will be a valuable part of their daily diet.
It is worth knowing that, in contrast to protein, yolks are a real treasury of nutrients. This applies primarily to B vitamins and e.g., selenium. Moreover, in the case of yolks, it is necessary to mention lutein and zeaxanthin. These are naturally occurring pigments that have strong antioxidant properties. This means that they have a very beneficial effect on our health.
Therefore, it is worth abandoning prejudices resulting from old dietary views. Nowadays, egg yolks are a valued source of valuable nutrients, and it is worth including them in your diet.
How many eggs should a day be consumed by people practicing strength training?
The aforementioned lousy reputation of eggs caused doctors to recommend that they should be eaten relatively rarely. Sometimes there were even claims about exactly how many eggs to include in your menu. Sometimes these were restrictive guidelines, as doctors recommended eating a few eggs a week. However, today it is clear that the old approach was not entirely valid. So what are the current dietary recommendations in this area?
Unfortunately, there is currently no clear consensus on egg consumption. Some researchers are still skeptical about it and recommend including about 7-10 eggs on the weekly menu. Others take the opposite view and claim that eating three eggs a day (21 eggs a week) is safe for all healthy individuals. So, where lies the truth? Everyone should judge this.
If someone has doubts about eating eggs, they can test their effect on health on their own. All you need to do is consume eggs (e.g., the mentioned 20 per week) for a few weeks and then evaluate your well-being. To be sure, you can also do some tests to check the amount of good and bad cholesterol in your blood. It is worth remembering that nutrition will always be an individual matter. Some foods, although very healthy, can lead to food intolerance. Therefore, everyone should build a diet so that it is tailored to their individual preferences.
There is only one exception to this rule. It applies to all people intending to reduce body weight. In their case, eggs can be quite problematic because they contain a lot of fat at the end of the day. Of course, this does not mean that you should completely exclude them from your diet. However, it is worth checking whether they will disturb the calorie balance. If their calorie content is a problem, then you can bet on eating only egg whites.
The current state of knowledge in the field of nutrition has shed entirely new light on eggs. Today it is known that they are not only an excellent source of protein but also a treasure trove of vitamins and nutrients. Therefore, all healthy people can consume whole eggs without any problems. When it comes to consuming only chicken egg whites, this practice will only work for some people. People who have severe problems with too high cholesterol levels in the blood should refrain from regular consumption of egg yolks. Also, people seeking to reduce body weight should be careful about the calorie content of eggs. However, it is worth taking advantage of all the valuable nutrients that can be found in this product in all other cases!