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L-glutamine and physical activity

Today’s article will start by answering the question – what is L-glutamine? It is an amino acid (glutamic acid amide), which belongs to the amino acids found in the highest concentration in the blood and brain. Although it is a natural ingredient produced by the body on its own, it is worth realizing that in certain physiological states, when faced with higher demand, it is necessary to start supplementation with products that contain L-glutamine in them.

What does L-glutamine do? How does it work?

L-glutamine primarily affects the body’s immune system, as well as helping to strengthen intestinal function. Additionally, it is extremely important in the proliferation of immune cells in the body and the formation of white blood cells (responsible for fighting bacteria and viruses). Although the human body naturally produces glutamine, as a result of unavoidable circumstances (burns, diseases, surgery), its level can rapidly drop. It is then necessary to start supplementation with appropriate supplements to restore balance.

L-glutamine is an essential amino acid for the proper functioning of the intestines. Thanks to it, the processes of intestinal cell proliferation, so crucial for maintaining the health of the whole system, are supported. Therefore, ensuring the optimal intestinal function is extremely important for the entire body’s condition. Moreover, they are the ones that protect humans against many toxins and harmful bacteria. Therefore, any disruption in their position can have serious health consequences.

L-glutamine is also important for athletes, mainly due to the ingredient’s significant role in nitrogen metabolism. For this reason, L-glutamine supplementation is recommended for those involved in exercise sports.

In short, we can say that L-glutamine:

-supports the digestive system (mainly the intestines),
-contributes to muscle growth,
-acts as a neurotransmitter (supports brain function, improves concentration),
-has a significant effect on improving performance during endurance exercise,
-improves metabolism,
-helps stabilize blood sugar levels.

How and when to take L-glutamine?

L-glutamine can be supplied to the body naturally with food or with proven dietary supplements. Naturally, this amino acid is found primarily in protein products, such as cheese, eggs and meat. However, since the human body uses up L-glutamine very quickly – especially in the case of people who actively participate in sports – it may not be sufficient to supply it only from food. Therefore, it is worth adding supplements to a good diet (but remember that balanced meals that naturally provide nutrients are the most important).
Because the human body can only absorb a certain amount of L-glutamine at one time, its dosage should be adjusted to whether the person is at the beginning of their path of intense physical activity or has been on it for a long time. In the case of beginners, the amount of the supplement taken daily should not exceed 10 grams, preferably broken down into 2-3 portions. However, for those who have been using the supplementation for a long time – the daily dose can be increased even up to 40 grams.

L-glutamine can be taken on an empty stomach or with a meal – it doesn’t matter much. However, it is essential to ensure that at least one of the doses is taken around the workout.

Benefits of L-glutamine

Although L-glutamine is an amino acid that the body can produce on its own, its level is so low that supplementation is necessary. So why should you ensure that your body receives the required dose of L-arginine?

The most significant advantages of L-glutamine are:

improving the functioning of the immune system – L-glutamine is the most critical component in the production of glutathione, the most potent antioxidant that reduces the risk of many diseases,
Accelerated wound healing – L-glutamine is necessary for protein synthesis in connective tissue. The more of this amino acid in the body, the whole process of wound healing is faster and more effective;
Increasing performance during endurance exercise – maintaining adequate levels of L-glutamine in the body is critical not only in its excellent condition. It is an amino acid essential in nitrogen metabolism, which contributes to removing ammonia from the body. This is very important for athletes, whether they are professionals or amateurs, to ensure that any toxic by-products formed through protein metabolism are removed from the body as quickly as possible;
stabilizing blood sugar levels – L-Glutamine affects suppressing the action of insulin, as a result of which the desire for anything sweet is reduced;
help with stomach ulcers and leaky gut problems – L-Glutamine helps heal these ailments and, thanks to its properties, prevents new damage from occurring.

L-glutamine is an essential amino acid for human health, valuable not only for exercise athletes but also for those who care about keeping their bodies in good shape. L-glutamine is an essential amino acid, but the body rarely produces it in sufficient quantities. That’s why you should consider taking supplements containing L-arginine and enriching your diet with an appropriate amount of protein products. Remember to use only supplements of reputable brands from a trusted store.

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