Ostarine – benefits and effects of regular use
Since steroids are not suitable for health and do not enjoy general acceptance, it is worth looking around for a worthy alternative. Fortunately, you do not have to search long because SARMs come to your aid. This is the term for a particular group of substances that athletes increasingly turn to. These are designed to improve muscle mass and strength, the condition of joints, ligaments and even stimulate collagen production. SARMs include ostarine, which acts on multiple receptors to help build lean muscle mass. It’s no wonder, then, that the remedy quickly gained recognition among bodybuilders. What exactly is it and how to take ostarine? Does it cause any side effects?
What is Ostrine? How does it work?
Most of us will have no idea what the enigmatic looking string “((2 S )-3-(4-cyanophenoxy)- N -[4-cyano-3-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]-2-hydroxy-2-methylpropanamide)” means. This is the full name of the selective androgen receptor modulator. It would be most convenient to use the shortened name “ostarine”, “enobosarm”, or “MK-2866”. Initially, this substance was used in medicine as an adjunct to drug treatment in osteoporosis and muscle-destroying diseases. Nowadays, ostarin enjoys growing popularity in bodybuilding. It is also readily used by endurance athletes. Supplementation with SARMs is primarily used to increase muscle strength, but there are more benefits, so it’s worth exploring this topic.
Many people treat ostarine as a safe and legal alternative to health-destroying steroids. However, this substance does not have a steroid structure and shows anabolic effects. Therefore, you also do not have to worry about adverse effects such as the increased risk of genital cancer due to long-term use of ostrine. It also does not convert to DHT or estrogen. In addition, taking this substance has a beneficial effect on the condition of joints. This is because it reduces inflammation in the body and increases collagen production. In turn, collagen fibres are essential for keeping tendons, skin and cartilage in good condition. People who work out intensively are particularly prone to joint ailments, which is why ostarine supplementation may be beneficial in their case.