Ephedra or Ephedrine. What is the difference and usage in supplements?
Ephedrine is a highly controversial substance. It is considered to be a precursor to drug production. However, most of these precursors are used to produce cosmetics or medicinal products and this is done legally. However, since 2014 ephedrine has been banned and has been recognized as a doping substance. Mixtures and substitute ingredients and the plant Ephedra Sinica are used as a substitute in supplements. Are the effects of their use similar? How does ephedrine work and why is it such a popular ingredient in dietary supplements dedicated to people who train intensively and are very active?
Ephedrine or ephedra?
Efedra is a plant, a kind of a gymnosperm bush. We can distinguish several ephedrine species popular in southern Europe, northern Africa, south-western America or western South America. Ephedrine, in turn, is a natural product of the ephedrine plant, although it is also produced in laboratory conditions due to the high cost of obtaining it from plants. Ephedrine is one of the compounds that have a stimulating and stimulating effect. It also effectively increases the efficiency of the body. Ephedrine cannot be used in professional sport. Instead, in dietary supplements for better training effects, ephedrine, a plant substance Ephedra Sinica is used. It is an alternative to popular ephedrine and has the same effect. It is also used in weight loss diet because of its ability to stimulate metabolic processes.
The use of ephedrine
Ephedrine has a wide range of applications and is not only known in the world of sport. It is effective in the treatment of rhinitis. It has a very good effect on concentration and focus, so it affects our nervous system. People on a reducing diet appreciate its appetite suppressing effect, thanks to which we are able to eat less and do not feel hunger. It is often combined with theophylline caffeine, which gives us a mixture that allows us to reduce unwanted body fat. Ephedrine is also used to improve the performance of the body during training. This is an important aspect if we want fast and long lasting results when we want to exercise more intensively, longer and more often.
Ephedrine is a stimulant, but in the Middle East, for example, it is used to treat asthma and colds. Ephedrine increases energy consumption and reduces body weight. Trainers often use dietary supplements containing it for pre-training purposes. This is because it increases the body’s ability to exercise. Moreover, as a result of its influence on our body, fat lipolysis and protein synthesis occurs. This causes release of norepinephrine and adrenaline. However, using this substance in an inappropriate way may lead to side effects, just like any other component that is used in dietary supplements.
Undesirable side effects. Use as directed
Ephedrine, due to its stimulating properties, can contribute in excess to problems with falling asleep and even to insomnia. Some people have also observed anxiety and excessive irritation. Side effects of ephedrine include hypertension and respiratory failure. Acne and other skin lesions may also be exacerbated and nausea, headache and diarrhea may occur. For men, ephedrine in excess is one of the causes of erectile dysfunction. For this reason it is one of the many components of dietary supplements supporting the efficiency and reduction of fat tissue. It is accompanied by other substances, and the manufacturers’ recommendations for the use of these products are very precisely described in the product leaflet. Never exceed the recommended dose.
How to use ephedrine?
We take ephedrine in the form of food supplements. Among them there are fat burners and so-called pre-training to increase the efficiency of the body and thus support its intensive work. Usually at the beginning it is recommended to take smaller doses in order to get the body used to the presence of a new substance, previously unknown to it. Gradually, the doses can be increased, but always in accordance with the recommendations and instructions on the leaflet and package. Usually dietary supplements with ephedrine are used before training or after a meal. This depends on the general purpose of the product and its effect. Ephedrine is only one of many of their ingredients and only together they provide a synergic effect.
Supplements containing ephedrine and ephedra
Ephedrine, or more often called Ephedra Sinica, is a component of fat burners and pre-training supplements. We can find it in METHYLDRENE POWDER EPH, a supplement with a powerful formula, which is the primary task to improve the performance of the body and thus prolong the workout and better prepare the body for increased physical effort. Ephedrine, accompanied by caffeine and aspirin, and Ephedra Cinica are found in the fat burner Methyldrene 25 , as well as in a product with a similar effect and purpose YELLOW BULLET.
Ephedra is a plant, ephedrine is a substance derived from it or produced by chemical processes that stimulate and support weight loss. At the same time, ephedrine also has a therapeutic use in asthma, rhinitis or colds.