P.C.T post cykle therapy (HCG+Clomid)
Both during hormone therapy and after steroid cycles, every man should undergo therapy commonly known as PCT – or Post Cycle Therapy. Used after testosterone therapy or after periods of taking steroids to build muscle mass, PCT serves to keep the body in good condition.
Substances for PCT
The process of restoring homeostasis in the body is the moment when you should pay special attention to nutritional supplementation. HCG and Clomid are remedies that are commonly used during this time. Depending on the progression of the process, both agents can be used in different cycles. Dosage of medications and/or supplements should always be ordered by a specialist.
The process of returning to previous functioning could be too protracted in time, which may not bring the expected results – there could be a sharp decrease in strength and muscle mass, which would eventually negate the effects of previous efforts to achieve your dream figure.
What is HCG?
HCG is a hormone that stimulates the testes to produce testosterone. Taking this hormone in pharmacological form stimulates the pituitary gland and hypothalamus. When taking HCG, the pituitary gland is unblocked – so the entire endocrine system is not “reset” at all.
One of the biggest benefits of using HCG is that it protects the testes from atrophy. Another important benefit of this hormone is the preservation of fertility. This becomes especially important for people after long-term steroid therapy.
Combining HCG with testosterone you are taking
Taking testosterone and HCG at the same time is healthy and safe, especially if we take both substances for a long period of time. Remember that such a combination can “mimic” the normal functioning of the body, and thus – not cause the need for long and tiring PCT.
The above combination is used much more often in Western Europe and America. The safety and high effectiveness of such therapy is confirmed by many studies.
Clomid – its properties
Clomid is another drug used in PCT. The drug requires a prescription and should be taken under close medical supervision. It helps to maintain the current production of testosterone in people whose secretion of this hormone has been blocked for various reasons. This happens mainly after steroid therapy.
Although Clomid seems to be a drug that also supports the production of female hormones, it even prevents hormonal disorders in men, such as gynecomastia. The drug helps stimulate the hypothalamus, which in turn mobilizes the body to increase the production of gonadotropic hormones (LH and FSH).
Rational dosage
Both HCG and Clomid are recommended after taking steroids, but it should be remembered that taking medication alone is not sufficient. Therapy of withdrawal should be in harmony with diet and certain physical activity, so the whole process should be monitored by a doctor and a trainer.
Each of the substances, due to their properties, can affect the body in unexpected ways. So, before you start taking any of the listed drugs, it is worth familiarizing yourself with their side effects. Thanks to this, you can avoid the risk of complications that may be particularly serious in your case.
HCG – side effects
Although HCG is effective in helping men produce testosterone, it sometimes happens that increasing mood swings occur as a result of incorrect dosing or an adverse reaction from the body. Sometimes the changes can also be more distressing because they become visible – for example, in the case of gynecomastia. This is an abnormality where the male breasts become larger, making them appear more feminine. Another unwanted change in the body that is visible to the naked eye can also be a sign of acne.
People suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system should not take HCG. It can cause uncontrolled pressure surges, which can lead to dire consequences if there is additional hypertension.
Some patients who take HCG during testosterone supplementation or during its discontinuation complain of headaches. These can be so bothersome that some develop migraines that last a long time and badly influence every daily activity.
Another factor that is to be listed among the side effects of taking HCG is moodiness. Excessive irritability that turns into euphoria can be persistent or episodic when starting to take the drug. Some users experience this side effect after long-term HCG use.
Clomid – side effects
Clomiphene citrate (for that is what we call Clomid), like HCG, is a substance that can have unexpected side effects in our bodies. From mild headaches, like nausea, to persistent vomiting.
Some of the side effects occur in men, while those in women are more related to the menstrual cycle. They can severely disrupt this or cause significant enlargement of the ovaries. It also happens that the bleeding occurs between what would normally be your period.
Both sexes may experience visual disturbances – such as shimmering, shiny spots or just blurred vision. Sometimes there is also photophobia. Some of these disorders persist for a very long time, even after treatment is stopped.
A visible side effect of taking Clomid is the characteristic flushing of the face. It is much more common in men. Another occasional side effect may be vascular flushing, which disappears after treatment ends.
One of the rarest side effects but also one of the most unpleasant and long-lasting ones is depression. Often people struggle with it long after taking steroids and Clomid in the process of their withdrawal.