Yerba mate – stimulating effect to support training
Yerba mate is distinguished by several properties, which make it appreciated practically worldwide. It helps cleanse the body, facilitates weight loss, strengthens and stimulates at the same time. What exactly is yerba mate, how to prepare it and what properties does it has?
What is yerba mate?
Yerba is an infusion made from the leaves of the Paraguayan holly plant. This plant is called an evergreen tree that can reach an impressive height of 30 meters in its wild state. The plant is found in a relatively small area between the Atlantic Ocean and the Paraguay River. Its requirements are so specific that any attempts to start artificial cultivation in any other part of the world fail.
Yerba is grown in three countries – Argentina, Paraguay and Brazil. Therefore, four types of this brew can be identified:
Paraguayan – distinguished by its intense, smoky aroma. It has a much stronger effect than the other varieties but also has the most intense taste, which is not suitable for everyone;
Argentine – one of the best choices for those who start their adventure with yerba mate. Despite its slightly bitter taste, Argentinian yerba is milder than other varieties;
Uruguayan – interestingly enough, this variety of yerba mate is not grown at all in Uruguay as it is located where the Paraguayan holly does not want to grow. However, it is such a popular brew in Uruguay that a select variety has been created for the inhabitants of this country. The leaves for Uruguayan yerba are aged for a long time and finely chopped;
Brazilian – this is the only variety of yerba mate that is slightly sweet. The leaves are not aged long, so they are distinguished by their green colour and intense aroma.
The choice of the yerba mate variety should be based primarily on taste preferences. Although there are slight differences in the content of beneficial nutrients in different types of yerba mate, they are not so significant that any of its types are particularly recommended because of their composition.