Vitamins & Minerals

Everybody, to function healthily and adequately, needs ingredients that will enable it to do so. That is why a well-balanced daily diet containing an appropriate amount of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, and other minerals, including vitamins, is so important.

Unfortunately, not all of them can be supplied to the body from food, which is why vitamins and minerals often need to be administered through appropriately selected supplementation.

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Everybody, to function healthily and adequately, needs ingredients that will enable it to do so. That is why a well-balanced daily diet containing an appropriate amount of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, and other minerals, including vitamins, is so important.


Unfortunately, not all of them can be supplied to the body from food, which is why vitamins and minerals often need to be administered through appropriately selected supplementation.


What are Vitamins?


Vitamins belong to a group of low-molecular organic compounds, essential for undisturbed metabolic processes in the body. In most cases, they are exogenous compounds, which means that the body does not produce them independently. Therefore they must be supplied from the outside (food, dietary supplements).


What is The Role of Vitamins in the Body?


Contrary to popular belief, vitamins do not perform nutritional or energetic functions. Instead, their main task is to regulate metabolic processes in cells. Thus, it is thanks to them that the entire body can work in harmony.


Vitamins should be sought primarily in food. Sometimes, however, even a well-balanced diet cannot provide the body with its proper dose. In this case, it is necessary to provide the body with synthetic vitamins in dietary supplements. This is important because, in contrast to animals, the human body cannot produce many valuable components for its functioning on its own.


What are the Criteria For Dividing Sports Vitamins?


Until recently, only thirteen essential vitamins were distinguished: A, B (as many as eight different ones), C. D, E, and K. Today, after many years of in-depth research, it turned out that there are definitely more of them. Vitamins differ primarily in their chemical composition, leading to a differentiated effect on the body.


Considering the nature of substance activation in the body, provitamins can also be distinguished among vitamins. Such components become active only after specific transformations in the body have taken place.


When dividing vitamins, solubility is most often taken into account. In this case, it is as follows:


  • Water-soluble vitamins (these are primarily vitamins B, C, PP, and folic acid),

  • Fat-soluble vitamins (mainly vitamins A, D, E, and K).

It is worth remembering that vitamins such as C, A, and E have antioxidant properties. As a result, the body is protected from the harmful effects of free radicals.


Can Vitamins be Toxic?


Although, as a rule, vitamins are associated with health, it is worth realizing that in few situations, they can have a toxic effect on the body. For example, those which are classified as water-soluble vitamins because they are not absorbed, but excreted with urine, in most cases, will not show a toxic effect on the body, even if they are delivered to it in large doses.


However, this applies to fully healthy and adult individuals. In addition, there is a risk of side effects associated with too high a concentration of specific vitamins and minerals in other cases.


The case is slightly different with fat-soluble vitamins. Because they are stored in the body – they can be toxic in too large amounts. Fortunately, their negative effect on the body does not happen too often because providing excessive amounts of fat-soluble vitamins through diet alone is difficult.


The risk of overdose occurs when dietary supplementation is used. Although vitamin preparations are safe and valuable for the health and fitness of the body, it is essential to remember that it is necessary to use them for them to work as expected, taking into account the manufacturer’s recommendations.


Vitamins and Physical Activity


Regardless of whether they do physical activity professionally or amateurishly, every athlete should support their health with appropriate supplements. In the case of physically active people, vitamin C supplementation is of great importance, as it:


  • – stimulates collagen production,

  • – acts as an antioxidant and protects cells from damage,

  • – reduces the feeling of fatigue,

  • – increases iron absorption.

Apart from vitamin C, physically active people should also make sure that their daily diet contains B vitamins, which among other things, will participate in the metabolism of fats and proteins.


Supplements containing B vitamins are especially recommended for people who also follow demanding diets in addition to physical activity.


For physically active people, not only sports vitamins but also minerals are essential. One of the most important is calcium, which contributes to the proper functioning of the nervous system and has a positive effect on muscle contractility.


Apart from calcium, the body should also receive iron, which strengthens the immunity and the efficiency of the body, which is very important in the case of frequent physical activities. It is worth remembering that iron is an essential mineral that should be taken in supplements, especially if you follow a vegetarian or vegan diet.


Cross The Limits – The Best Dietary Supplements for Athletes


Vitamins and minerals are essential in everyone’s life, but their importance is even greater for physically active people. Unfortunately, many of them cannot be supplied in the right amount with food; that’s why it is necessary to reach for preparations containing the appropriate dose of vitamins and minerals.


At Cross The Limits, you can find a vast selection of dietary supplements with all the necessary vitamins and minerals for athletes and people who lead a very active lifestyle.


In addition to providing the body with the vitamins it needs, the supply of the right macronutrients in the diet is extremely important. In our shop you will find weight gainers for men and whey protein concenctrate.