Nootropics are also used by healthy people, e.g. learners, for the general acceleration of the learning process and increased productivity. They are then thought to improve mental clarity and promote more effective memorisation. Nootropics can also affect motor function. In addition, they can stimulate the body in moments of fatigue. These are mainly preparations from the stimulant group. These include, for example, caffeine. For such supplements to produce noticeable effects, they should be taken regularly and more extended.
Types of nootropics:
This broadly defined category includes various substances. For example, you may find both natural and synthetic nootropics. However, one of the most critical divisions is the one into drugs and dietary supplements:
a) Medicines. These are prescribed by a doctor and are only available on prescription. They are therefore taken under strict control. The most commonly used nootropic drugs are modafinil, piracetam or methylphenidate. These drugs stimulate and are used to treat disorders such as ADHD, narcolepsy, narcolepsy and other conditions: ADHD, narcolepsy or Alzheimer’s disease.
b) Supplements – are available without a prescription (as they have a more negligible effect than drugs) and are intended to supplement the diet. When used appropriately, they should not cause side effects. Nootropic supplements are usually made up of botanicals. The most popular nootropic substances include ginseng (American, Siberian or Asian), caffeine, l-theanine, vitamins B6 and B12, ginkgo Biloba, lecithin, huperzine, bacopa.

As far as the mechanisms of action of such substances are concerned, they are not the same. Some of them lead to increased consumption of glucose and oxygen. Others improve cerebral microcirculation or, for example, increase the stability of nerve cell membranes. Still, others of the nootropics have an antioxidant effect.
Nootropics dosage:
The dietary supplements described here can most often be found on the market as nootropics in tablets. Their dosage depends on the type of the taken substance, it’s content in one pill, and a given organism’s needs. Therefore, it is necessary to check the manufacturer’s recommendation and individual needs in each case. Not everyone is aware that a vast number of people in the world consume tablets and nootropic drinks every day.
These include coffee, black tea, green tea, cola drinks and energy drinks. They make you feel better not only physically but also mentally. Coffee, black tea and cola contain caffeine. This substance improves concentration, increases productivity and reaction speed, reduces the feeling of sleepiness and stimulates. The l-theanine (an amino acid) contained in green tea also influences cognitive brain functions. It has a calming and relaxing effect.

Nootropics – summary
So as you can see, nootropics, usually those in tablets, are substances used to improve brain efficiency and health. They have a beneficial effect on memory, concentration and the ability to learn. They also increase motivation levels and provide energy. Nootropics affect the human body in many different ways. Importantly, they do not cause addiction and are not poisonous.
It is worth noting that in some countries, nootropics are pretty challenging to obtain. While there is usually no major problem with receiving simple agents based on natural ingredients, it is more difficult to find more advanced products. This is mainly due to unfavourable or simply unclear legal regulations. However, nootropics in the UK are not burdened with such problems, so there is something for everyone.
Finally, it is worth mentioning that even the best nootropics should be used when justified for healthy people. These are dietary supplements primarily for people with sleep and concentration disorders and mood swings. However, they can also help people who are periodically exposed to high stress or solid mental effort. They are therefore helpful before an important exam or when your mental condition deteriorates.